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Weather data as at  04/28/2024 9:50am 
  Current Minimum today Maximum today Average / Trend
Aux. temperature 1 47.8 °F 47.7 °F 48.0 °F 47.8 °F
12:05 am 5:20 am
Aux. temperature 2 48.0 °F 47.5 °F 48.0 °F 47.9 °F
12:10 am 3:40 am
Aux. temperature 3 47.7 °F 47.7 °F 48.0 °F 48.0 °F
7:45 am 12:00 am
Aux. temperature 4 48.0 °F 47.8 °F 48.4 °F 47.8 °F
7:45 am 1:15 am
Soil moisture 1 27.6 cb 27.6 cb 28.1 cb 27.8 cb
4:15 am 12:05 am
Soil moisture 2 16.8 cb 16.8 cb 16.9 cb 16.8 cb
1:15 am 12:00 am
Soil moisture 3 13.5 cb 13.4 cb 13.5 cb 13.5 cb
12:00 am 12:05 am
Soil moisture 4 39.8 cb 39.0 cb 39.8 cb 39.5 cb
12:10 am 7:10 am
Aux. humidity 4 78 % 71 % 87 % 81 %
12:00 am 7:25 am
Leaf wetness 1 0.1  0.1  1.0  0.3 
7:00 am 2:50 am
Leaf wetness 2 0.1  0.1  1.4  0.6 
8:30 am 6:00 am